The project consisted of designing and developing :
- Association Tool: A software to manage the stock and distribution of food aid, as well as the recipients of aid.
- AMS: A centralized platform allowing food banks and the FFBA to monitor and validate the activity indicators reported by the associations.
Total project duration : 10 months
The total cost of the project was 400 man-days.
Details of the project :
The aid received by the Food Banks is stored and then regularly redistributed to local associations (e.g. Saint Vincent de Paul, Emmaus, etc.), whose role is to distribute the aid directly to the beneficiaries.
As part of the reform of the PEAD (European Programme for the Most Deprived), an interministerial inspection report was submitted in 2008 on the organisation and management of the public support system, which recommends, in particular, an IT modernisation of the associations distributing food aid.
(Link : http://www.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/rapports-publics/094000083/index.shtml)
Mission statement
The Associations Tool application should allow associations to :
- To ensure the traceability of the products received
- To better manage their stocks
- To better manage the final beneficiaries of aid
- To monitor the distribution of food products to the beneficiaries
- To provide the State with information on their activity, in particular on the number of beneficiaries served and the quantity of products distributed.
The AMS application for food banks and the FFBA allows them to :
- To consult and validate the activity indicators of the associations assigned to them.
- To compile statistics on the activity of associations.
For the realization of the project, 5 persons have been allocated :
- 1 project manager, technical and functional manager
- 1 architect
- 3 development engineers
This contract was executed entirely with Tana Corp resources dedicated to the project.
Main characteristics of the client
Since 1984, when the first French Food Bank was set up in Paris, 79 Food Banks have been created to cover most of France.
Thus, thanks to their location and their network of 4,850 associations, the 79 Food Banks provide food aid every year to nearly 650,000 people from rural and urban areas.
Conduct of the project